Our annual photo competition is Back!!
The Showman's Show is coming up fast and it's time for you to once again show us your beautiful photos of Custom Covers marquees from throughout the year! This year we'll be awarding one prize of £500 for best overall photo. To qualify remember the photos have to be of a Custom Covers product.
Don't hesitate and enter as many photos as you want to give yourself the best shot at taking home the prize.
The deadline to enter this year's photo competition is on Friday 7th October at 12noon, with the winners being announced at this year's Showman's Show at 12noon on the 19th October. We're excited to see what you've got in store for us this year!
If you're having trouble uploading your photos in this form, simply email the photos to us at nwhite@customcovers.co.uk.
Custom Covers reserves the right to use for its own purposes photos submitted in the competition.